3 Dimensional Learning
Dimension 1: Science & Engineering Practice
Our STEM education platform empowers parents to ignite their child's passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Packed with engaging lessons, captivating videos, and hands-on activities, we equip you with the tools to foster a love for STEM that will last a lifetime.
Science and engineering practices represent the behaviors that scientists and engineers engage in as they investigate the natural world and design solutions to problems. The practices described here highlight the various processes and ways of thinking that scientists and engineers use to build knowledge and develop solutions.
The eight practices of science and engineering that students should engage in are:
Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)"
Developing and using models
Planning and carrying out investigations
Analyzing and interpreting data
Using mathematics and computational thinking
Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
Engaging in argument from evidence
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
These practices provide students with a means of developing an understanding of the natural and designed world. By engaging in these practices, students recognize what it means to do science and engineering.
Do not let your child miss the life-changing benefits of a robust STEM education. Explore our platform, dive into engaging lessons and activities, and unlock a world of possibilities for your budding scientist, engineer, or mathematician.
Primary education is crucial in shaping young minds, especially from Kindergarten to Grade 2 (K-2). The integration of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the 7 Principle-Based Research ensures that the curriculum is comprehensive, engaging, and effective in promoting scientific literacy and inquiry from an early age.
Middle school (grades 3-5) is a critical period for students' scientific development. Integrating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the 7 Principle-Based Research approaches enhances the effectiveness of science education. This brief explores how these frameworks can be applied to middle school science curricula to foster a deeper understanding and engagement in scientific concepts.
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) provide a comprehensive framework for science education in high schools (grades 9-12). These standards are designed to improve science literacy and prepare students for college and careers in the 21st century. Additionally, integrating principle-based research in education ensures that teaching practices are grounded in evidence and best practices.
July 22, 2024 at 1:07:00 PM
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The Disciplinary Core Ideas in Earth and Space Science within the NGSS framework are essential for preparing students to face future scientific and environmental challenges. By exploring these core ideas, students gain a deep and meaningful understanding of the natural world and their role within it.
The Life Science DCIs are designed to provide students with a deep, integrated understanding of biology. By focusing on these core ideas, students can make connections between different biological concepts, apply their knowledge to real-world situations, and develop a strong foundation for advanced scientific study. The integration of DCIs with scientific practices and crosscutting concepts ensures that students not only learn scientific facts but also understand the processes and principles that underpin the natural world.
Dimension 3 of the NGSS, focusing on Disciplinary Core Ideas in Physical Science, provides a structured and comprehensive framework for understanding the fundamental principles of physical science. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of concepts and their application in real-world contexts, preparing students for advanced study and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This dimension ensures that students develop a deep, coherent understanding of physical science that is essential for scientific literacy.
Dimension 3 of the NGSS underscores the critical role of engineering, technology, and applications of science in modern education. By integrating these concepts into the curriculum, students develop problem-solving skills, creativity, and an understanding of how science and technology influence the world around them. This approach prepares students for future careers and empowers them to contribute to technological advancements and societal progress.